Success Stories

Success Stories

Couples tell about their way in Chiburim

I am extremely happy to recommend “Chiburim” to all of my single friends! The advice I received from my personal mentor along the way has helped me, no doubt about it! I also received many dating opportunities through this amazing organization and I am the happiest person for having met Yael, my future wife! Keep up the holy work you are all doing!

Tamir Arieli

To find true love, one needs a lot of luck. But even luck needs a nudge….Alon and I met thanks to Talya, our lovely mentor from Chiburim. She was the one to say “So what if he’s vegan? So what if he’s younger than you? It’s worth a try!” Sure enough – it was worth the try! We are getting married in two months and we don’t have enough words to thank this amazing organization called Chiburim for bringing us together!

Odeya Artzi and Alon Kedem

Thank you Chiburim, and special thanks to my personal mentor at Chiburim – Avi Zada, who supported me all along. Thank you for your devotion and for listening and for being there for me when I needed. I strongly recommend Chiburim to any single who is seriously seeking to get married.

Itzik Kowalsky

We have no words to thank the amazing team of Chiburim for the guidance and good advice along the way. Thanks to our mentor Yitzhak who also became my personal coach and led me through a significant and accurate process.

Friends – hurry up and sign up for Chiburim, we recommend!

Eliyahu & Yiska

Thanks for the Chiburim that were there for me and brought me to the end of the journey of finding a relationship. I have no words to thank my mentor, who did not give up on me even when I was in the most difficult moments and when I was almost despairing. Yael kept offering me suggestions, until the right offer came and I met the right one for me. Chiburim is an amazing venture that gives hope and a real feeling that you are not alone in your journey.

Bat Chen Shoham

The connection I had with Miri, my mentor was excellent, she helped me a lot, supported and listened.

The process itself, the guidance on how to look at the things and suggestions I received, there is no doubt that you were a very important part of my process.

Highly recommend Chiburim and thank you! “

Yael Semel

Thanks for the Chiburim for the amazing Mentoring. I got a lot from Liel. I learned to focus on the half full glass. Be spontaneous, let things happen and flow …. Chiburim, you rock! “

Liraz and Itay

The words connecting and matching go wonderfully together. When I need to describe my relationship with Limor. The connection was immediate, in the first few minutes I felt the care and desire to be there for me
This was later reflected in conversations, messages and suggestions. Along the way Limor with a lot of sensitivity and wisdom helped me understand what was right for me, what to look for, what to try and what to learn. Limor was another address in the immediate circle that brought with it a lot of insights and advice that helped cross the path out of growth and learning. Thank you Ciburim, Limor and god!

Hofit and Tal

After applying the wise recommendations and advice given to me by my personal mentor Naftali in Chiburim, I put all the prejudices and negative opinions aside and realized that what matters is the inwardness. Thank God I received the wonderful Limor with endless love, unconditional mutual giving, a perfect match for what I was looking for. Before Chiburim I just did not think about it, and after three months of dating, I finally realized that this is the girl I have been waiting for all my life and I do not have to wait any longer… On Tu B’Av I knelt down and offered her a marriage that would last forever thanks to Chiburim!

Shai and Limor

Dudi was my mentor in the Chiburim, and it’s important for me that you know how much he helped me in the process I had to go through before my one arrived. Even when the mentoring process was over I had Dudi to consult with. And when things got tough I was focused on doing and I had a goal – this year I’m getting married! How lucky I was that Matan was saying the same thing to himself!

Naama and Matan

Thank you very much for the caring of the mentors in Chiburim. I was happy to be a part of this wonderful community. Exciting to know that there are good people in the middle of the road. Good luck to all the singles, waiting to hear about more weddings

Adir Salhoub

I came to the Ciburim because I realized the added value there, beyond the ability to meet people who want a relationship like me, I received close guidance throughout the period from an amazing mentor who instructed me how to act correctly in finding a relationship


I signed up for Chiburim on a personal recommendation. I was relatively young and not sure my background would fit. I won an amazing mentor, who from the first moment I felt safe and open with. I could share and I also got to get so much from her. Miri knew how to contain, listen, direct and advise. Thank God that when I met who became my husband, Miri was there for me, encouraged, advised and was with me until the Chupa! Thank you Miri and Chiburim for all the good and I highly recommend this important venture!

Hannah Esther

I wanted to say thank you! I got married about a month ago. Chiburim played a significant part in my process.
I have never been too enthusiastic about places that try to help in this matter, on the other hand I also did not think it was a bad thing, just not for me .. Anyway I felt that in Chiburim  something more resonated with me.
I signed up and met with Meir. It was an interesting and instructive encounter about myself and what I was looking for. I think a lot of matchmakers ‘sin’ in that they don’t allow singles to express themselves or dismiss certain thoughts or desires, that was not my feeling when I got into Chiburim. I received a lot of relevant suggestions, and then some less .. but what I felt most was the caring and that I am not alone in this ‘situation’, and that there is someone who is willing to use his skills to help me. Thank you very much and good luck in the future! 🙂 “

Lior and Michal

It is said that in the birth of a person there are three partners and we say that in a successful marriage there are four partners – single man who is tired of bachelorhood, a single woman who has exhausted single life, the Holy One and a good matchmaker who cares immensely! We won the ‘matchmaker’ who cared most not only about connecting but also mentoring us with her love and sensitivity. Thank you to Yael Shapira and Sivan Darshan the mentors, and to Chiburim for caring so much! “

Nurit and Ariel

“Dear Chiburim staff, I would like to thank you for the personal and close up mentoring you provided in helping me search for my one and only. Seven years ago I suddenly lost my husband and found myself left with two boys and a few weeks pregnant with a baby girl. It took me several years to gather myself and to decide it was time to move on. When I finally wanted to move ahead, I was suspicious of online dating sites and of matchmakers who might think I was “damaged goods” or otherwise would not tell me the full truth about a potential match. A friend suggested I register with Chiburim. As soon as Margaret made the first contact, I immediately felt that your mentoring was something different. There is great value in the personal meetings with the mentors. Margaret was consistant in contacting me on a regular basis, checking in with me via email and phone. There is no doubt in my mind that the way Chiburim operates is so much more pleasant and better than any other way! I have recommended Chiburim to many of my single friends. My story has a happy ending. Last May I started to date an amazing single guy and we got married in November!! I wish Chiburim good luck in its continued efforts.

Yonina Whiskey-Fortress

My encounter with “Chiburim” began when I was approached by an amazing mentor named Hani, thanks to whom my worldview expanded and the point of view was refined, in everything related to how the other side sees and perceives my actions, the things said in life. With the help of Chiburim, I went back to an ex-boyfriend and was able to accommodate him better, hence the way to the wedding was quick and easy. Additionally, there are also events for singles, and things are done and conveyed in an experiential and fun way, and all at almost no financial cost and with full volunteerism. Thanks to the warm, professional and supportive staff for what you do and continue your blessed work😘😇👌


“…My personal journey was a very long one. For over two decades I have not left a stone unturned in my quest for the one for me. How I remember our conversations going long into the night, when my loneliness was unbearable! You were always there for me, listening, accepting me for who I am, encouraging and instilling hope and faith within me. The fact that you were non-judgemental and always available for me gave me the power to feel that I am not alone on this journey. As much as I promised myself not to despair, to hang in there, not to let the pain drown me, I am sure that without the amazing volunteers of Chiburim who kept me going and believed with me that my day would come, I could not have been able to survive this path and stay sane and happy. Thank you Chiburim, you are doing G-D’s work on this earth. Please keep up your amazing work for all of those who need hope and someone to believe in them! Love, Shoshi.”


מופע סטנדאפ מוזיקלי